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Due to shared heritage with Ark: Survival Evolved, there is substantial misinformation regarding Pixark server configuration. There are many settings in the INI files however, many/most appear to have no effect. This page is for recording personally-verified, working Pixark server configurations, only.

There are three places to provide Pixark with configuration:

  • The pixarkserver.exe command line
  • ~\ShooterGame\Saved\<servername>\Config\WindowsServer\Game.ini
  • ~\ShooterGame\Saved\<servername>\Config\WindowsServer\GameUserSettings.ini

Command Line[]

Note that the command line holds two sets of arguments. A series separated with question marks (?) and a series of dash (-) commands. The following commands are taken from a known-good startup.

Setting Values Description
?DelayRegisterServer True Delay steam registry until server is running
?bRawSockets True Use UDP for data transfer
?SessionName (text) Name of your server
?AltSaveDirectoryName (text) Folder to store server data
?ServerPassword (text) Server access password (can also be set in GUS.ini)
?ServerAdminPassword (text) Admin access password (can also be set in GUS.ini)
?MaxPlayers (number) Number of players (can also be set in GUS.ini)
?RCONEnabled True Enable RCON access (can also be set in GUS.ini)
?RCONPort 27017 Port for RCON connections (can also be set in GUS.ini)
-Seed (num) Seed for randomization of the map (must be a number)
-gameplaylogging True Enable (some kind of) logging ***NEEDS CLARIFICATION/VERIFICATION***
-log True Enable (some kind of) logging ***NEEDS CLARIFICATION/VERIFICATION***
-CULTUREFORCOOKING (text) Must be specified. 'en' for English
-cubeworld (text) Name to appear on server list
-CubePort (number) Default: 27018
-Port (number) Default: 27015
-NoBattlEye False Enable BattleEye cheat protection

Example server start command line[]

   start C:\pixarkserver\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\PixARKServer.exe CubeWorld_Light?DelayRegisterServer=True?bRawSockets=True?SessionName="MyPixarkServer"?AltSaveDirectoryName=Trevoria?ServerPassword=letmein?ServerAdminPassword=letmein?MaxPlayers=20?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=27017? -Seed=12345 -OreSeed=1234 -ConfigsUseAltDir -server -gameplaylogging -log -CULTUREFORCOOKING=en -NoBattlEye -QueryPort=27016 -Port=27015 -CubePort=27018 -cubeworld=MyPixarkServer



Setting Values Description
bFlyerPlatformAllowUnalignedDinoBasing True/False Enables/Disables the ability to have other players dinos on a platform saddle.
LayEggIntervalMultiplier (number) Changes the rate at which eggs drop from a dino. Lower number equals faster egg drop, Higher number equals slower egg drop.

Stat increases

Player Levels & Engrams Points

Setting Values Description
KillXPMultiplier (number) Default: 1.000000. Multiplier for combat XP.
HarvestXPMultiplier (number) Default: 1.000000. Multiplier for harvest XP.
GenericXPMultiplier (number) Default: 1.000000. Multiplier for time XP.
SpecialXPMultiplier (number) Default: 1.000000. ***UNKNOWN***

GameUserSettings.ini (aka GUS.ini)[]

This file contains several sections which hold different types of settings.


Setting Values Description
AllowHitMarkers True/False Allows player to use hit-markers. Can still be disabled in settings on players end.
AllowThirdPersonPlayer True/False Enables/Disables The use of third person.
AutoSavePeriodMinutes (number) The amount of time in minutes for auto-save to happen.
bUseKillPlayerWhenExitTooLong True/False Enable/Disable 'starvation' death of offline players. Note: This feature is intended to automatically clean up players who log into a server, play a short time and never return. After level 20, the timer is extended. After level 30, players are not affected.
DayCycleSpeedScale (number) Default 1. This changes how long it takes for a full day to pass in PixARK. Higher number equals faster, Lower number equals slower.
DayTimeSpeedScale (number) Default 1. This changes how long//slow the day time is during the course of a day.
DifficultyOffset (number) Default: 10. Adjusts max dino levels. 5 = dinos up to level 120
DinoCountMultiplier (number) Default: 1. Higher numbers increase the number of wild dinos
DisableStructureDecayPvE True/False Enables/Disables structure decay on a server for PvE. Note: This feature is not fully implemented.
EnablePvPGamma True/False Enables/Disables the use of gamma on PvP.
ForceAllStructureLocking True/False Enables/Disables The forcing of locking of all Items and Objects.
HarvestAmountMultiplier (number) Default: 1. Multiplier for harvest rates
MaxTamedDinos (number) Default 5000. The max amount of dinos allowed on the server. This does not change the personal/tribe limit.
MaxPersonalTamedDinos (number) Default 35. This changes the amount of dinos a tribe can have.
NightTimeSpeedScale (numer) Default 1. This changes how long//slow the night time is during the course of a day.
NoTributeDownloads True/False Enables/Disables the use of transferring items, objects, dinos and players on a server. Note: This is not implemented yet.
PerPlatformMaxStructuresMultiplier (number) Default 1. Higher the number the more objects can be placed on platform saddle/raft, lower the number less of the objects. Note: This seems to have no affect during testing but may need more testing, So use to remove any limits if you like.
PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier (number) Default 1. Lower the number the less food will drain, higher the number the longer.
PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier (number) Default 1. Lower the number the less water will drain, higher the number the longer.
RCONEnabled True/False Enable RCON access to server
RCONPort 27017 TCP port for RCON access
ResourceRefreshPeriodMultiplier (number) Default 1. Lower the number the faster resources respawn, higher the number the longer. Note: Resources are like Trees, Grass, Berry Bushes and so on.
ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier (number) Default 1. Lower the number the faster rate resources respawn, higher the number the longer. Note: Resources are like Trees, Grass, Berry Bushes and so on.
ServerForceNoHUD True/False Enables/Disables The forcing of no-hud on server.
ServerHardcore True/False Enables/Disables Hardcore mode.
ServerPassword (text) Specify a password to access server
ServerAdminPassword (text) Specify password to give in-game administrator access
ShowFloatingDamageText True/False Display damage numbers over player/dino heads
ShowMapPlayerLocation True/False Shows where the player is on the map.
TimeForFullRepairMultiplier (number) Default 1. Lower the number the faster an object can be repaired, higher the number the longer.


Setting Values Description
Message (text) Change this text to whatever message you want. \n is a line break.
Duration (number) The amount of time it will stay on screen in seconds.


Setting Values Description Example
AutoPvPAttackStartDateTime (text) The start time of war time. AutoPvPAttackStartDateTime=(PVPAttackDayOfWeek=Saturday,PVPAttackHour=0,PVPAttackMinute=0,PVPAttackSecond=0)
AutoPvPAttackStopDateTime (text) The end time of war time. AutoPvPAttackStopDateTime=(PVPAttackDayOfWeek=Sunday,PVPAttackHour=23,PVPAttackMinute=59,PVPAttackSecond=59)
bCanPvPAttack True/False Enables/Disables the ability to PvP when timer ends.
bPassiveDefensesDamageRiderlessDinos True/False Enables/Disables the ability to damage passive dinos that are not being ridden when timer ends.
IncreasePvPRespawnIntervalBaseAmount (number) How long is takes to allow a player to respawn during war time. The amount of time is in seconds.
IncreasePvPRespawnIntervalMultiplier (number) Multiplier for how long it takes to respawn. It will Multiply the IncreasePvPRespawnIntervalBaseAmount setting.


Setting Values Description
SessionName (text) Changes the name of the server.


Setting Values Description
MaxPlayers (number) Changes the amount of players allowed on the server.



See Also[]

/u/Hamroid's report on their experiments
