Pixark Wiki
Fairy Dragon
Fairy Dragon
Fairy Dragon
Information according to the in-game Museum. Inaccurate information will be marked.
Common Name
Fairy Dragon
Time Period
Middle Ages
March 23, 2018
Spawn Command
admincheat summon cw_Faeriedragon_Character_BP_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/CubeWorld/Blueprints/Animal/cw_animal_faeriedragon/cw_Faeriedragon_Character_BP.cw_Faeriedragon_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Check mark transparent Yes
XP For Kill
190 XP
Feces Size

The Fairy Dragon is one of the creatures in Pixark. It can be found in the Golden Realm biome and requires a Fairy Dragon Saddle, which can be obtained at level 40 and crafted in the players inventory.

Museum descriptions[]


"Fairy Dragons live in magic forests. They are one of the most peaceful animals in these forests, and if attacked, will simply try to escape."

The Fairy Dragon is a passive creature and will not attack players or wild predators that go for it. It would much rather fly away and avoid all combat all together despite actually having a melee attack.

They can be found in the Golden Realm biome and are relatively common. Be careful taming these as despite this particular creature not being aggressive there are many creatures in the biome that are, namely, the T-Rex and the Argentavis. Both of which will attack you if you get too close and will more than certainly eat your tame once it has been knocked unconscious.


"Fairy Dragons are not so powerful in combat, but their Defence is strong, which can protect them and their rider from lots of damage."

The Fairy Dragon has relatively good speed, being slower than a Pteranodon but faster than an Argentavis. Using "RMB" will enable a magical shield that will block incoming magical attacks for 3 seconds. Be warned that this move drains a lot of stamina (twice that of a standard attack) and has a 4-second cooldown to avoid overuse. The Fairy Dragon can also lift players and small creatures by using "C".


Fairy Dragons are a mix of blue, dark blue, magenta, and purple in color. They have white sparkles that seem to project off of them as do most magical creatures. They are easily distinguishable in their natural biome as everything around them is a red-gold autumnal colour in contrast.


The Fairy Dragon is a passive animal and will not return attacks nor stick around long once being attacked. It's movements are random and unpredictable, once you hit a Magic Sleepy Arrow it will immediately start to flee, after a few seconds however it will calm down and even stop in place for a few moments which will allow you to continually hit it with another arrow and repeat the process.

Be careful when taming these as you can quite easily run into a path of an Argentavis which will aggro you and cause you no end of trouble should you knock the Fairy Dragon unconscious when it's following you.



Basic Stats
Attribute Amount at Level 1 Increase per point
Wild Domesticated1
Health Health 950 +35.15 +0.999%
Stamina Stamina 300 +30 +10%
Oxygen Oxygen 150 +15 +10%
Food Food 1800 +180 +10%
Weight Weight 420 +8.4 +4%
Melee Damage Melee Damage 602 +3 +1.7%
Movement Speed Movement Speed 100%3 N/A N/A
Torpidity Torpidity 850 +4.25 N/A4

1Percentages are based on the value of the stat the moment the creature was tamed (after taming effectiveness)
2The absolute Base damage for its primary attack is shown here instead of the percentage.
3Movement speed is always 100% and can not be leveled
4Torpidity increases every level on wild creatures, but can not be increased once they are tamed.

Movement Speed
Movement Type Base Speed Sprinting Stamina Used
Wild Domesticated
Walking 260 N/A N/A 5
Swimming 300 N/A N/A N/A
Flying 600 1649.999634 1897.5 0.275


Bite Button Stamina Cost Attack Range Description
Lmb 20 200 The Fairy Dragon bites in front of it.
Attack Type Damage
Melee Impact 60

Shield Button Stamina Cost Attack Range Description
Rmb 40 Creates a shield around the Fairy Dragon for 2 seconds. This ability has an approximately 4 second cooldown.
Attack Type Damage
Buff Impact


Note: Non-magical Sleepy Arrows fired from a bow or crossbow deliver extra torpor over time for 5 seconds after impact. Only two instances of this effect can be in effect at once - a third arrow hit before the effect has fully resolved will result in potential torpor being wasted. For maximum efficiency, time your shots so that they land 5 seconds apart. The numbers given here are assuming you do so.

For passive tames, there is a long wait between the first and second feedings as the creature eats, after which it follows the feeding intervals listed. These feeding intervals are estimates - the actual interval will vary per-creature based on random chance.

Fairy Dragon Level 1 Time
Kibble (Raptor Egg) Kibble (Raptor Egg) 2 0:10:49
Truffle Truffle 10 0:06:46
Wheat Wheat 10 0:11:16
Longrass Longrass 10 0:18:01
Citronal Citronal 10 0:22:31
Savoroot Savoroot 10 0:27:01
Bamboo Shoot Bamboo Shoot 10 0:33:46
Rockarrot Rockarrot 10 0:40:31
Aeolian Grass Aeolian Grass 16 0:14:03
Black Vine Black Vine 16 0:14:03
Blue Ray Thorn Blue Ray Thorn 16 0:14:03
Chilling Grass Chilling Grass 16 0:14:03
Flame Flower Flame Flower 16 0:14:03
Gold Leaf Gold Leaf 16 0:14:03
Ice Lotus Ice Lotus 16 0:14:03
Magic Berry Magic Berry 16 0:14:03
Thick Earth Crystal Thick Earth Crystal 16 0:14:03
Mejoberry Mejoberry 23 0:18:38
Truffle Soup Truffle Soup 31 0:33:29
Baked Longrass Baked Longrass 31 0:44:39
Roast Savoroot Roast Savoroot 31 1:01:23
Berries Berries 46 0:31:04
KO: Magic Sleepy Arrows with a bow × 3; Magic Sleepy Arrows with a crossbow × 5
Fairy Dragon Level 30 Time
Kibble (Raptor Egg) Kibble (Raptor Egg) 2 0:10:49
Truffle Truffle 12 0:08:07
Wheat Wheat 12 0:13:31
Longrass Longrass 12 0:21:37
Citronal Citronal 12 0:27:01
Savoroot Savoroot 12 0:32:25
Bamboo Shoot Bamboo Shoot 12 0:40:31
Rockarrot Rockarrot 12 0:48:37
Aeolian Grass Aeolian Grass 19 0:16:41
Black Vine Black Vine 19 0:16:41
Blue Ray Thorn Blue Ray Thorn 19 0:16:41
Chilling Grass Chilling Grass 19 0:16:41
Flame Flower Flame Flower 19 0:16:41
Gold Leaf Gold Leaf 19 0:16:41
Ice Lotus Ice Lotus 19 0:16:41
Magic Berry Magic Berry 19 0:16:41
Thick Earth Crystal Thick Earth Crystal 19 0:16:41
Mejoberry Mejoberry 29 0:23:30
Truffle Soup Truffle Soup 38 0:41:03
Baked Longrass Baked Longrass 38 0:54:44
Roast Savoroot Roast Savoroot 38 1:15:15
Berries Berries 57 0:38:29
KO: Magic Sleepy Arrows with a bow × 4; Magic Sleepy Arrows with a crossbow × 6
Fairy Dragon Level 60 Time
Kibble (Raptor Egg) Kibble (Raptor Egg) 2 0:10:49
Truffle Truffle 14 0:09:28
Wheat Wheat 14 0:15:46
Longrass Longrass 14 0:25:13
Citronal Citronal 14 0:31:31
Savoroot Savoroot 14 0:37:49
Bamboo Shoot Bamboo Shoot 14 0:47:16
Rockarrot Rockarrot 14 0:56:43
Aeolian Grass Aeolian Grass 23 0:20:11
Black Vine Black Vine 23 0:20:11
Blue Ray Thorn Blue Ray Thorn 23 0:20:11
Chilling Grass Chilling Grass 23 0:20:11
Flame Flower Flame Flower 23 0:20:11
Gold Leaf Gold Leaf 23 0:20:11
Ice Lotus Ice Lotus 23 0:20:11
Magic Berry Magic Berry 23 0:20:11
Thick Earth Crystal Thick Earth Crystal 23 0:20:11
Mejoberry Mejoberry 34 0:27:33
Truffle Soup Truffle Soup 45 0:48:37
Baked Longrass Baked Longrass 45 1:04:49
Roast Savoroot Roast Savoroot 45 1:29:07
Berries Berries 68 0:45:55
KO: Magic Sleepy Arrows with a bow × 4; Magic Sleepy Arrows with a crossbow × 7
Fairy Dragon Level 90 Time
Kibble (Raptor Egg) Kibble (Raptor Egg) 2 0:10:49
Truffle Truffle 16 0:10:49
Wheat Wheat 16 0:18:01
Longrass Longrass 16 0:28:49
Citronal Citronal 16 0:36:01
Savoroot Savoroot 16 0:43:13
Bamboo Shoot Bamboo Shoot 16 0:54:01
Rockarrot Rockarrot 16 1:04:49
Aeolian Grass Aeolian Grass 27 0:23:42
Black Vine Black Vine 27 0:23:42
Blue Ray Thorn Blue Ray Thorn 27 0:23:42
Chilling Grass Chilling Grass 27 0:23:42
Flame Flower Flame Flower 27 0:23:42
Gold Leaf Gold Leaf 27 0:23:42
Ice Lotus Ice Lotus 27 0:23:42
Magic Berry Magic Berry 27 0:23:42
Thick Earth Crystal Thick Earth Crystal 27 0:23:42
Mejoberry Mejoberry 40 0:32:25
Truffle Soup Truffle Soup 53 0:57:15
Baked Longrass Baked Longrass 53 1:16:20
Roast Savoroot Roast Savoroot 53 1:44:57
Berries Berries 79 0:53:20
KO: Magic Sleepy Arrows with a bow × 4; Magic Sleepy Arrows with a crossbow × 7
Fairy Dragon Level 120 Time
Kibble (Raptor Egg) Kibble (Raptor Egg) 3 0:16:13
Truffle Truffle 18 0:12:10
Wheat Wheat 18 0:20:16
Longrass Longrass 18 0:32:25
Citronal Citronal 18 0:40:31
Savoroot Savoroot 18 0:48:37
Bamboo Shoot Bamboo Shoot 18 1:00:46
Rockarrot Rockarrot 18 1:12:55
Aeolian Grass Aeolian Grass 30 0:26:20
Black Vine Black Vine 30 0:26:20
Blue Ray Thorn Blue Ray Thorn 30 0:26:20
Chilling Grass Chilling Grass 30 0:26:20
Flame Flower Flame Flower 30 0:26:20
Gold Leaf Gold Leaf 30 0:26:20
Ice Lotus Ice Lotus 30 0:26:20
Magic Berry Magic Berry 30 0:26:20
Thick Earth Crystal Thick Earth Crystal 30 0:26:20
Mejoberry Mejoberry 45 0:36:28
Truffle Soup Truffle Soup 60 1:04:49
Baked Longrass Baked Longrass 60 1:26:25
Roast Savoroot Roast Savoroot 60 1:58:49
Berries Berries 90 1:00:46
KO: Magic Sleepy Arrows with a bow × 5; Magic Sleepy Arrows with a crossbow × 8


The Fairy Dragon has a magical shield which can be activated with the right mouse button. This will block magical projectile attacks for 3 seconds and will use a lot of stamina so be wary! This shield also has a short cooldown of a few seconds so make sure not to miss-time your shield!


The Fairy Dragon has decent movement speed, being slower than a Pteranodon but faster than an Argentavis and high stamina, which makes it an ideal mid-level long distance mount. In addition to this it is also an ideal load bearing animal as it has a high weight capacity in comparison to previous air mounts such as the Pteranodon.

Additional notes[]

Fairy Dragons are non-aggressive, making them quite easy to trap and knock out. They also stay still for long periods of time making them an easy target for a level 40 mount.

