Pixark Wiki
See also: Base creature speeds

You can check and compare all the base Creature statistics for Pixark here!

  • +W is the increase per level in the wild
  • +T is the increase per level domesticated / tamed in percent of the value when the creature was just tamed

For example, if an Ankylo has 2000 healthpoints after taming, the increase per level is 124 (6.2% of 2000).

Template:Nav gameplay mechanics

Creature Health Health Stamina Stamina Oxygen Oxygen Food Food Weight Weight Melee Damage Base Damage Torpidity Torpidity
Level 1 +W +T Level 1 +W +T Level 1 +W +T Level 1 +W +T Level 1 +W +T Level 1 +W +T Level 1 +W
Angler Angler 198 39.6 1.35 250 25 10 150 15 10 1500 150 10 420 8.4 4 45 4.5 2.1 158.4 9.504
Angler Angler (Ruins) 1155 231 250 25 150 15 1500 150 420 8.4 80 8 0 924 55.44
Ankylo Ankylo 572 114.4 1.35 400 40 10 150 15 10 2100 210 10 500 10 4 54 5.4 2.1 457.6 27.456
Argentavis Argentavis 1100 40.7 0.999 500 50 10 150 15 10 2100 210 10 500 10 4 60 3 1.7 1000 60
Armadillo Armadillo 1500 55.5 0.999 400 40 10 150 15 10 1800 180 10 420 8.4 4 80 4 1.7 1400 84
Baby Treant Baby Treant 70 2.59 0.999 250 25 10 150 15 10 600 60 10 250 5 4 7 0.35 1.7 70 4.2
Beelzebufo Beelzebufo 600 22.2 0.999 300 30 10 150 15 10 1800 180 10 350 7 4 30 1.5 1.7 550 33
Behemoth Behemoth 600000 1000 2000 10000 3300 66 300 0 99999 5999.94
Big-Ear Rabbit Big-Ear Rabbit 15 0.555 0.999 150 15 10 150 15 10 600 60 10 50 1 4 1 0.05 1.7 15 0.9
Carbonemys Carbonemys 450 16.65 0.999 300 30 10 150 15 10 1800 180 10 420 8.4 4 20 1 1.7 400 24
Centaur Centaur 1100 40.7 0.999 600 60 10 150 15 10 2100 210 10 600 12 4 60 3 1.7 1000 60
Cobalt Rex Cobalt Rex 11880 2376 1.35 2000 200 10 150 15 10 20000 2000 10 700 14 4 200 10 0.68 9504 570.24
Cobaltenergy Golem Cobaltenergy Golem ? ? ? ? 0
Cobaltenergy Golem Fire Cobaltenergy Golem Fire ? ? ? ? 0
Cobaltenergy Golem Fist Cobaltenergy Golem Fist ? ? ? ? 0
Cobaltenergy Golem Hammer Cobaltenergy Golem Hammer ? ? ? ? 0
Cobaltstar Commander Cobaltstar Commander ? ? ? ? 0
Cobaltstar Commander Minion Cobaltstar Commander Minion ? ? ? ? 0
Cobaltstar Subject Cobaltstar Subject ? ? ? ? 0
Cobaltstar Support Drone Cobaltstar Support Drone ? ? ? ? 0
Coelacanth Coelacanth 10 0.37 100 10 150 15 100 10 25 0.5 1 0.05 0 10 0.6
Compy Compy 10 0.37 1.184 80 8 10 150 15 10 300 30 10 50 1 4 4 0.2 1.7 10 0.6
Coyote Coyote 70 2.59 0.999 100 10 10 150 15 10 300 30 10 220 4.4 4 15 0.75 1.7 70 4.2
Coyote Coyote (Ruins) 300 11.1 250 25 150 15 1200 120 350 7 15 0.75 0 300 18
Cyclops Cyclops 6000 222 700 70 150 15 6000 600 1200 24 160 8 0 5500 330
Death Lord Death Lord 250000 1000 2000 15000 1200 24 300 0 99999 5999.94
Dilophosaurus Dilophosaurus 90 3.33 0.999 150 15 10 150 15 10 600 60 10 100 2 4 11 0.55 1.7 90 5.4
Dilophosaurus Dilophosaurus (Ruins) 950 35.15 200 20 150 15 900 90 100 2 50 2.5 0 850 51
Direwolf Direwolf 1100 40.7 0.999 300 30 10 150 15 10 1500 150 10 350 7 4 60 3 1.7 1000 60
Dodo Dodo 15 0.555 0.999 50 5 10 150 15 10 300 30 10 50 1 4 1 0.05 1.7 15 0.9
Doedicurus Doedicurus 750 27.75 0.999 250 5 2 150 15 10 1500 150 10 500 10 4 35 1.75 1.7 700 42
Dragonfly Dragonfly 15 0.555 100 10 150 15 100 10 25 0.5 7 0.35 0 15 0.9
Dungbeetle Dungbeetle 300 11.1 0.999 250 25 10 150 15 10 900 90 10 250 5 8 20 1 1.7 250 15
Dungbeetle Dungbeetle (Ruins) 1500 55.5 500 50 150 15 1800 180 250 5 20 1 0 1400 84
Elemental Golem Elemental Golem 4582.5 916.5 1.35 700 70 10 150 15 10 6000 600 10 1200 24 4 132 13.2 2.1 5500 330
Elemental Spirit Elemental Spirit 4000 148 500 50 150 15 2500 250 600 12 260 13 0 3800 228
Elemental Spirit Elemental Spirit (Ruins) 7000 259 1200 120 150 15 6000 600 600 12 375 18.75 0 6500 390
Elemental Spirit Elemental Spirit (Ice Fairy) 20000 740 1000 100 2000 200 10000 1000 600 12 300 15 0 99999 5999.94
Emperor Scorpion Emperor Scorpion 950 35.15 0.999 300 30 10 150 15 10 1200 120 10 350 7 4 50 2.5 1.7 850 51
Emperor Scorpion Emperor Scorpion (Ruins) 1500 55.5 500 50 150 15 2100 210 350 7 50 2.5 0 1400 84
Emperor Scorpion Emperor Scorpion (Elite) 4000 148 600 60 150 15 2500 250 350 7 50 2.5 0 3800 228
Fairy Dragon Fairy Dragon 950 35.15 0.999 300 30 10 150 15 10 1800 180 10 420 8.4 4 60 3 1.7 850 51
Felhunter Felhunter 2400 480 1.35 600 60 10 150 15 10 3000 300 10 600 12 4 114 11.4 2.1 1920 115.2
Fire Elemental Fire Elemental 4000 148 0.999 600 60 10 150 15 10 3000 300 10 700 14 4 115 5.75 1.7 3800 228
Fire Spider Fire Spider 950 35.15 0.999 200 20 10 150 15 10 1200 120 10 350 7 8 60 3 1.7 850 51
Firefly Firefly 1 0 100 10 10 150 15 10 100 10 10 150 3 4 0 0 1.7 10 0.6
Flame Demon Flame Demon 40000 1000 2000 10000 3300 66 300 0 99999 5999.94
Fungus Beast Fungus Beast 1500 55.5 0.999 400 40 10 270 27 10 2500 250 10 420 8.4 4 80 4 1.7 1400 84
Gargoyle Gargoyle 1100 40.7 0.999 600 60 10 150 15 10 1200 120 10 600 12 4 60 3 1.7 1000 60
Gem Spider Gem Spider 950 35.15 0.999 200 20 10 150 15 10 1200 120 10 350 7 8 60 3 1.7 850 51
Gem Spider Gem Spider (Ruins) 1300 48.1 500 50 150 15 2100 210 350 7 60 3 0 1200 72
Ghost Dragon Ghost Dragon 3818.8 763.76 1.35 600 60 10 150 15 10 3000 300 10 600 12 5 132 13.2 2.125 3055.1 183.306
Giant Claw Mole Giant Claw Mole 600 22.2 0.999 250 25 10 150 15 10 1800 180 10 500 10 4 40 2 1.7 550 33
Gigantopithecus Gigantopithecus 1700 62.9 0.999 500 50 10 150 15 10 2100 210 10 500 10 4 90 3.6 1.7 1600 96
Goblin Goblin 300 11.1 150 15 150 15 900 90 150 3 25 1.25 0 250 15
Goblin King Goblin King 1300 48.1 250 25 150 15 1800 180 350 7 60 3 0 1200 72
Gryphon Gryphon 2400 480 1.35 600 60 10 150 15 10 3000 300 10 700 14 4 114 11.4 2.1 1920 115.2
Hippocampus Hippocampus 1100 40.7 0.999 600 60 10 150 15 10 1200 120 10 700 14 4 60 3 1.7 1000 60
Ice Elemental Ice Elemental 5000 185 0.999 600 60 10 150 15 10 3000 300 10 700 14 4 100 5 1.7 4800 288
Ice Elemental Ice Elemental (Elite) 7000 259 1200 120 150 15 6000 600 700 14 100 5 0 6500 390
Kairuku Kairuku 40 1.48 0.999 50 5 10 150 15 10 100 10 10 100 2 4 10 0.5 1.7 32 1.92
Kong Kong 200000 900 2000 10000 4000 80 100 0 99999 5999.94
Lymantria Lymantria ? ? ? ? 0
Manta Manta 1500 55.5 0.999 400 40 10 150 15 10 2100 210 10 700 14 4 100 5 1.7 1400 84
Megalania Megalania ? ? ? ? 0
Megapiranha Megapiranha 30 1.5 150 15 150 15 600 60 100 2 100 1 0 90 5.4
Megapiranha Megapiranha (Ruins) 950 35.15 150 15 150 15 600 60 100 2 100 5 0 850 51
Megarock Dragon Megarock Dragon 5346.3 1069.26 1.35 800 80 10 150 15 10 10000 1000 10 1200 24 5 132 13.2 2.125 4277 256.62
Minotaur Minotaur 7000 259 800 80 150 15 8000 800 1000 20 100 5 0 6500 390
Moflin Moflin 15 0.555 0.999 150 15 10 150 15 10 600 60 10 50 1 4 1 0.05 1.7 15 0.9
Mummy Mummy (Ruins) 1500 55.5 500 50 300 30 2100 210 500 10 100 5 0 1400 84
Mummy Mummy (King) 40000 1480 1000 100 2000 200 10000 1000 500 10 100 5 0 99999 5999.94
Mushroom Mushroom 300 11.1 0.999 200 20 10 150 15 10 1500 150 10 100 2 4 100 5 1.7 250 15
Onyc Onyc 70 2.59 0.999 100 10 10 150 15 10 600 60 10 100 2 4 100 5 1.7 100 6
Onyc Onyc (Elite) 3000 111 250 25 150 15 900 90 100 2 100 5 0 2800 168
Oviraptor Oviraptor 90 3.33 0.999 150 15 10 150 15 10 900 90 10 150 3 4 100 5 1.7 90 5.4
Panda Panda 1100 40.7 400 40 270 27 3000 300 600 12 100 5 0 1500 90
Parasaur Parasaur 90 3.33 0.999 200 20 10 150 15 10 1200 120 10 500 10 4 100 5 1.7 90 5.4
Pegasus Pegasus 950 35.15 0.999 400 40 10 150 15 10 1500 150 10 450 9 4 50 2.5 1.7 850 51
Plague Zombie Plague Zombie (Ruins) 1300 48.1 600 60 150 15 1200 120 420 8.4 100 5 0 1200 72
Plague Zombie Plague Zombie (Elite) 1500 55.5 400 40 150 15 1800 180 150 3 100 5 0 1400 84
Procoptodon Procoptodon 1100 40.7 0.999 300 30 10 150 15 10 1200 120 10 350 7 4 100 5 1.7 1000 60
Quetzal Quetzal 5346.3 1069.26 1.35 800 80 10 150 15 10 3000 300 10 2000 40 4 119 11.9 2.1 3800 228
Sauropod Sauropod 5346.3 1069.26 1.35 700 70 10 150 15 10 10000 1000 10 1600 32 4 119 11.9 2.1 4277 256.62
Skeleton Skeleton 90 3.33 250 25 150 15 600 60 100 2 100 5 0 90 5.4
Skeleton Skeleton (Thrower) 950 35.15 200 20 150 15 1200 120 100 2 100 5 0 850 51
Skeleton Skeleton (Ruins) 1100 40.7 250 25 150 15 1200 120 100 2 100 5 0 1000 60
Skeleton Skeleton (Elite) 1500 55.5 250 25 150 15 1200 120 100 2 100 5 0 1400 84
Specter Specter 300 11.1 250 25 150 15 1500 150 150 3 100 5 0 300 18
Stegosaurus Stegosaurus 1300 48.1 0.999 500 50 10 150 15 10 2100 210 10 600 12 4 100 5 1.7 1200 72
T. Rex T. Rex 5346.3 1069.26 1.35 700 70 10 150 15 10 6000 600 10 700 14 4 148 14.8 2.1 4277 256.62
Terror Bird Terror Bird 450 16.65 0.999 300 30 10 150 15 10 1800 180 10 350 7 4 100 5 1.7 400 24
Thorny Boar Thorny Boar 90 3.33 0.999 200 20 10 150 15 10 1500 150 10 350 7 4 100 5 1.7 90 5.4
Titanomyrma Drone Titanomyrma Drone 50 1.85 50 5 150 15 100 10 25 0.5 100 5 0 75 4.5
Titanomyrma Drone Titanomyrma Drone (Ruins) 200 7.4 400 40 150 15 1200 120 25 0.5 100 5 0 500 30
Treant Treant 5000 185 0.999 600 60 10 150 15 10 2500 250 10 700 14 4 100 5 1.7 4800 288
Werewolf Werewolf 4000 148 600 60 150 15 2100 210 500 10 100 5 0 3800 228
Werewolf Werewolf (Ruins) 6000 222 1800 180 150 15 8000 800 500 10 100 5 0 5500 330
Zombie Zombie 70 2.59 250 25 150 15 1200 120 150 3 100 5 0 70 4.2
Zombie Zombie (Ruins) 600 22.2 200 20 150 15 1500 150 150 3 100 5 0 550 33